Intense and touching, Landslide, feature film directed by Zsolt Pozsgai, transports us to the desolate countryside of an early twentieth-century Hungary afflicted by poverty and brutal laws.
Families crushed by hunger, cold atmospheres and equally cold sensations crowd the images of this film that, just like a bucolic painting, reveals all the colors of life, from the most vivid to the darkest.
At the center of the story are a couple of parents, Janos and Juli, who discover to expecting a second child; as beautiful as it is, the news turns the lives of the two young people upside down since the law categorically prohibits couples from having more than one child.
Forced by her parents to get rid of the child she is carrying, Juli will enter a spiral of pain and shame, a drama that will end up affecting her marriage and great faith in God, the same God who blessed her with a new pregnancy and to whom she will ask what to do with her life.